vtm animalism

The Origins of VTM Animalism

VTM Animalism

VTM Animalism, one of the mesmerizing disciplines in Vampire: The Masquerade, finds its roots in the ancient concept of animal communication and control. This fascinating power, developed by kindred who possess the discipline, allows them to establish an extraordinary connection with animals, harness their instincts, and even exert control over them. The origins of VTM Animalism can be traced back to the rich tapestry of mythologies and folklore found across different cultures worldwide.

Throughout history, countless cultures have crafted tales and legends that reflect the close relationship between humans and animals. From Native American tribes attributing spiritual symbolism to animal totems, to the deities of ancient Egyptian mythology who appeared with animal heads, humanity has long recognized the innate connection between animals and ourselves. VTM Animalism draws inspiration from this universal understanding, tapping into the mystical realm where humans and animals intertwine.

In Native American folklore, for example, shamans were believed to possess the ability to commune with animals. They were seen as intermediaries, able to understand and interpret the language of the animal kingdom. These spiritual leaders would often embody the characteristics of specific animals, ascribing them great powers and wisdom. Just like the shamans, kindred with VTM Animalism delve into a similar realm, becoming in tune with the wild instincts and primal nature residing within all creatures.

Moreover, ancient mythology frequently depicted deities or heroes with the power to control animals. The Egyptian goddess Bastet, for instance, was often portrayed as a lioness-headed deity who commanded feline grace and power. In Norse mythology, the god Odin possessed a pair of ravens, Huginn and Muninn, who acted as his eyes and ears, providing him with vital information. It is within these mythical tales that the foundations of VTM Animalism can be found, as the discipline grants vampires the ability to assert dominance over the creatures of the night.

VTM Animalism takes these age-old concepts and weaves them into the intricate fabric of the Vampire: The Masquerade world. Kindred who develop this discipline gain the power to communicate with animals telepathically, enabling a level of understanding beyond mere words. This empathetic connection allows for unprecedented harmony between predator and prey, granting vampires unique insights into their surroundings and enhancing their hunting skills.

Additionally, the level of control over animals granted by VTM Animalism can be both awe-inspiring and chilling. More adept vampires can manipulate animals to do their bidding, bend their will, and even unleash them as powerful tools or weapons. By tapping into the primal instincts that exist within all creatures, vampires with Animalism can instill fear or provoke frenzies in not only their chosen prey but also the animals they command.

In conclusion, VTM Animalism stands as a testament to the inherent intrigue and fascination humans have held towards communicating and controlling animals throughout history. By drawing upon ancient mythologies and folklore, Vampire: The Masquerade brilliantly captures the essence of this connection and incorporates it into the compelling supernatural world of kindred. Thus, kindred with Animalism embark on a journey that delves into the secrets of the natural realm, embracing the primal forces that dwell within.

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